Monday, February 28, 2011

Just barely Monday

It’s Monday.  Fact is it just turned Monday a few minutes ago.  Watching old cartoons from a time gone by.  Its odd to see what they were able to get away with back then.  Imagine a kids show these days mentioning a female character’s fetish or show an older woman trying to seduce a character, going as far as putting “Spanish Fly” into his lemonade and even appearing naked. When I was a kid I never caught this kind of stuff.  I remember the episodes but don’t remember all the ‘adult’ jokes.  Maybe I was just slow on the uptake.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

It’s February 27

And I think Imma start something new.  I don’t see why I couldn’t  write a little something every day.  If I write a sentence or a paragraph (or a nasty note about how I don’t really want to write on a particular day) we won’t know until it’s over.  Only time will tell, but time I’ve got.  Back tomorrow.  Sleep for now.