Friday, March 4, 2011


Zinger night.  don't know what a zinger is?  Then you are missing out.  Zingers are fried chicken strips from a local (well, regional now that they have been bought out by "the man") restaurant.  These strips of chicken are served in a number of ways.

By them selves you get a bowl of chicken in sauce.  Hot sauce, barbacue and so on.  Going into the next configuration is the zinger melt.   Take those same zingers, coat them a blend of various cheeses, melt the cheese and cover it with sour cream and ranch.

That brings us to the holy grail of junk food, the zinger mountain melt.  Zingers on a bed of loaded cheese fries.  Topped with cheese, bacon, scallions and a side of ranch to dip it all in.

Eating the whole thing guarantees a night of moaning "Uhhh, Too many zingers."

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